Monday, February 2, 2009

Whats your opinion on...

Well there was lotsa partying this weekend. Pat was staying in Kent for the weekend. So I raged there with all kindsa dudes n babes. Woke up feelin pretty shitty, but that went away a few hours later.
Saturday, I went to "A night in paris" a fashion show Sadie G was in. I went there with Tijuana, we met up with bsmitty.Bsmitty went home early, cuz loud nightclubs just aint his thing. Tijuana went to a party in Kent to hang out with Pat. And I stayed n got shitbag wasted. The intro to that youtube video has to do with that. And it has to do with sunday morning.

I woke up sunday morning unable to swallow. My throat was practically swollen shut. I was supposed to skate chenga57 with bsmitty & jeff smeff and several others. But I was sick. They didnt believe me. They do now. But this intro. Hilarious. the ending too.

I apologize to everyone I got sick, or may have got sick this weekend. If your throat hurts, its prolly strep and you should see a doctor. I mean it could be worse, it could be HPV.... Right Pat. hahahah.

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