Thursday, January 29, 2009

shiver all over

Today was a good day. Waking up to a foot of snow is always fun. Except when it threatens me skateboarding.
Well it wasn't just skateboarding. It was skateboarding with In a skatepark. Well not just any skatepark. Chenga57. He bought a pass. I can't believe this. I've skated indoor parks with him prolly less than a dozen times since Area57 closed down. He got a pass and this blows my mind. And I couldn't be more excited. I ate some shit this evening. And my knee was in need of some liquid medicating. So much for 4 days of sobriety.
Speaking of excited. The Mind Feild premere. Can't fuckin wait.
And on that note. I'm going to bed.

Oh by the way. If you lurk this. Lemme know! Lurking is caring. And Caring is sharing.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

jump in it!

I just got this picture from this chick Brooke. She's in some band I didn't watch at a show I went to. The band was called Violetta.

What the fuck is the dude in the middle doing? And why didn't that dude with the goldfish offer me any?

I was orginally going to upload a video or two from my phone to my blog. But the files are too large to send. And I don't have the cable to plug my phone into the computer. Bummer.

So here's my weekend in a nutshell.

Friday. Drank a case of beer on my couch with Megan & Tijuana. Tijuana slept on my little itty bitty couch. Or I guess it would be called a love seat. I don't think it's ever seen love. Atleast not from me.

Saturday. Tijuana & I made our way to Columbus to go to some shows n get shitbag wasted. I actually drove! Woah! And I can't remember alot from the night. That isn't really a suprise is it. 100 bucks at several bars. It did the job.

Sunday, we woke up nice n hungover. Got all hip, n went to some thrift stores. Where I picked up a nice pair of motorcycle boots. Now all I gotta do is buy the motocycle. Went back to Cleveland. Went to Bside. Got shitbag wasted again. And didnt remember the ride home. I woke up with my scarf n jacket on with a sparks in my pocket. Wooo!

Now I'm taking 4 days of sobriety, until Pat comes down from Harlem, NYC.

I took the time monday to Pay the city of Cleveland 211 bux, for my Criminal Trespassing ticket. Did a little shopping with Shanty. Got some Fridays for dinner, and felt sick all day.

I skated Chenga2 today. It was an okay time. That's really all I have to say about that. I feel like I have a head cold. Or something.
I'm skating Chenga57 with tomorrow! I'm majorly looking forward to this. I havent seen him at all this year. I miss the guy.

And that's it.
If anyone wants to buy me a mini usb cord for my phone so I can upload my videos. Lemme know! I have a few very fun ones.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

OH! And!


Well, yesterday was the inguaration of Obama. And well I feel like this man is gonna get assinated in the future. So I was gonna do an ASS tribute on my blog to the girl that this ass belongs to. And I will. But not today.

So last night at 11:27 I got a phone call from the man. The one and only Jon. Or is it John? Well regardless, if you've been to any show at the Grog Shop in Cleveland Heights, or Bside liquor lounge on Sundays. You've seen him. The head of security. The dude, that looks like me in 20 years. We talked for 4 hours 31 minutes n 7 seconds. This is the longest I've talked to anyone on the phone in years. Those fuckin things get so hot against your ear. But he told me a ton of stories about his past. How things work in the present. And gave me plenty of advice for the future. John thinks I'm an awesome bartender. And he's never even seen me work. He is the fuckin man. And if your dumb enough to get caught doing something stupid at the grog/bside, and he throws you out. Dont get pissed. You deserved it.

Now last night I had got some hot wings from the pizza shop up the road from my apartment. They were pretty good. Very little heart burn came from them. But my mouth was on fire. Well I ate alittle bit more than half of them and some breadsticks n was full. Well the wings were still sitting in their container on a tv stand next to my couch. In conclusion to this. Wings are always better the second day. The wings I had at Pats that were from the night before.I did not drink the 40 with the condesation on the inside. That was just one of his welcoming gifts.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm the king of...

...bad decisions! & apparently pressing the wrong buttons. but thats a differnt story.
I spent the weekend in Columbus. Friday is a blur n a half. After we left that ugly tuna bar. between 2 & like close to 6am, shits very fuzzy. I remember playing beer pong at some point and puking immediatley afterwards. I saw Calle for a breif minute before I blacked out. I know this cause theres a picture.
Puking up cold beer is kinda neat. Just sayin.
Saturday we went to this Dirty Punk house for a party. After consuming 2 purple joose. Joose is seriously my new favorite thing to black out on. I didnt black out Saturday night. I might have if Alli didnt drink all my Blue Joose when I went to buy punk rocker kids booze. After this part. Somewhere Jeffy got booze thrown at his head, and puked. I dont know what order that was in. But I had to talk him out of smashing a cobra over this dudes head. We left the PR house for another party. It was lame, and another dude was tryin to fight Jeffy. Then the rest of the night was full of missing phones n keys along with a whole lotta drama. The phone n keys were found the next day. In a place we all looked about 100 times.
I came home sunday evening. N started feelin real shitty literally shitty. I wont go into shit detail. But it hasnt stopped yet. Its not solid. I took some flu pills to see if, maybe that would fix it. Maybe.
Tonights skate night @ now thats class. I'm not going. But I want to. I want to skate a mini ramp real bad. But my shitty feeling body isnt allowing me to do anything I enjoy.
I'm going to dinner with my dad tomorrow night. Speaking of my dad. He got fired from his job while I was in Columbus. Bummer! So we're both unemployed n have the same bills to pay. So help us pay rent or bills by doin that paypal donation thing!

Friday, January 16, 2009

if you see kaye

I've been non stop listening to Turbonegro.
I'm sitting up at fable, taking a break from counting things. I'm almost finished. But since I'm a slacker I take on an average work day. About 100 breaks. I don't know what number I'm on right now. Only because I've been counting other things since 2pm.
We're out of toilet paper, n I need to drop last night beverages off at the pool. Im too lazy to walk next door to steal toilet paper from the... whatever that is right there.
Ok. So right after I said that I got unlazy n went to go next door, n the bathrooms were locked. Now Im gonna sit here all day going. AAAAAAHHH Gotta poop! Mega bummer.
I'm going to Columbus tonight, and tomorrow. And prolly tomorrow night. I gotta go to bside sunday to see if I can't score some shifts. I wanna go to Cali in March to get my shred on.
I came up on a BBQ chicken pizza today. It was real good. Yada yada blah blah blah. I'll have rad pictures for you to look at next time.
This can't be my first picture-less post. Ill find one to throw in here real fast.
I like to share sketchy booze with freinds.

Just sayin'

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fluke yourself

I spent the day with Sadie G today. I had to drive her in her car in the snow up to Cleveland. She had to go to a runway audition. And I think it went pretty well for her.

But more importantly. On the way up to Cleveland we saw all these flashing lights n brake lights. So we get closer, and see fire trucks. And what looks like an ambulance. Now Im thinking its some retarded crash cause it was pretty gnarly snow. Well turns out, it was a fuckin RTA bus on fire. This thing looked like it blew up. Something straight outta the movies. Well there was no ambulace, and there didnt appear to be any of the bus passengers. BUT. BUT! I can't find any news stories about this online. This happened around 6pm or so im assuming. We passed it at around 7. And it was put out n trafic was pretty deece. I smell cover up.


After the model audition, we headed to the Tower. For a pretty not my style show. But this band played that Sadie knew. And they wernt half bad. You can check out there tunes here on myspace.

Then headed back to my house. Got my hair trimmed. Witch turned out real rad. I'd post an after pic. But this isn't myspace. And putting up a mirror picture on here seems, well pretty lame. I'll keep the myspace poses on myspace. But Sadie cuts hair real good. She works at some salon n some small town in Ohio. I don't remember whats what. But if you wantcha mop chopped. I can get you the info.

I just made some real fuckin good chicken ramen noodles. I gotta new recipe for you fools. Putcha ramen in a bowl in the microwave. When ya add the water, add a pic of hot sauce n mix it up real good. Cook your shit for the desired time. Drain the water. Take that little packet and mix it in ya noods. And baaaaabam! Itsa tastey meal.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lazy Daze

Last night was the Fable rental @ chenga57.

It was super fun. Minus the whole skating in slip ons thing.
Everyone had theyre gnar boots on forsure. I won a beer from doost cause he didnt land a blunt kickflip out. This is 2 nights in a row that I won beers for non made tricks. Thank you doost!

Then I left the rental with Jeff P to purchase beers with 3 minutes to go. I made it in the gas station with less than a minute to spare. Got 2 tall sparks, a 40oz of Magnum. I had a 40 of King Cobra waiting at my house, and that wonderful beer I won from Doost. Thanks Doost!
We drank our 40's half way. And mixed the sparks in. Wonderful combonation. Wonderful. I'm still not convinced sparks is going off the market. But here's a video of the mixing.

But the title of this post isnt about this, it's about being lazy. I was laying on my bed/floor Jeff was on my couch, and we were passing everything from cellphones, our laptops, and 40oz's on my skateboard. back n forth. Life dont get much better than this.

This post is much better than the one I was going to do. I was going to do an ode to tits. Then I realized i'd get my blog deleted for posting nudes. Then it was gonna be asses. But then. I realized another alcohol related post would be for the better.
OH! and send nudes! HA!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


So I've decided that my new favorite thing to do while I'm out n about is to get in everyones pictures. The creepier the better.
When I was thinking about this, I thought it started on New Years Day. But it started a few days earlier.
While at bside, I creeped in on Calle n Rach tryin to be lesbians. It's a good picture.

While on my trip to NYC, new years day we were drunk n in Times Square jumping in the photos of tourists. Even tho we were tourists ourself. Pat gave them all his business cards or stickers. This photo with the ugly girls is the only photo thats shown up so far.
Then after bside last night Megan & Kayleigh were tryin to be cute n take pix in the car. Well I had to be in that too. Note the sparks hue on my tounge. Oh thanks to everyone that I stole booze from last night. If you were drinking sparks, odd are my empty or near empty can became yours. Let that be a lesson to all my freinds. Dont set your beers down!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Pure evil

When 10 highlifes a peice are not enough you have to resort to this.
Jeff n I shared this wonderful Joose.

It was pure evil.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


I've been crashing on Jeff P's couch alot lately.
And I was helping him clean his apt. today. When he found a way rad place to hang his fixed gear.
I've been trying to buy a sweet wall rack for mine while I'm at home. It's like 12 bux @ target. But he just kinda stumbled up on hangers for his blinds, that were magically the same length apart as his bars n seat.
I went to the grocery store today, and came up on all kindsa sweet snacks. And a real good pizza. Hence the bags on the table.
And, getting drunk of regular beer is hard nowadays. I was on a solid bender of vodka, malt liquor or ice beer from the time I went to NYC on December 30th til ummm 2 days before yesterday. And after 2 slices of pizza n 2 beers I'm full. If you wanna send me some sketchy booze in the mail, I'm not opposed to it.

Friday, January 9, 2009

So I was thinking about skateboarding. And how due to my blown ankle I blew the last season. Or how certain resources were not available while I was trying a trick (video camera).

Anyways. I really was thinking about going out and filming a move or two when this snow dries up. Mainly this being first on my agenda.

Well it's at the Justice center in Cleveland. Whom witch I owe upwards of 300 dollars to. I'm bummin on that. I can hardly come up with my portion of the rent and phone bill. Witch I havent done in like 2 months, and my dad is waaay bummed on. Who know's how to make some fast cash? Anyone? Donate to my Paypal? There's a link on the side.
N while your over there click the link cause I stole the photo of myself off his site.

With that being said. Umm wanna go sledding, its snowing like crazy.

I fucked up!

I was in the process of switching email addresses.
And well to make a long story short. It wouldnt let me switch it on my blog. And this was very important. So. I deleted it. In hopes to just re create the name. And thats what it said on google help bullshit.
Well it lied.
It wont let me recreate the name. mother fucker.
Fuck yougotsomechange.
It's all about putting your Gnar Boots on.
So well. I'm making the best out of my fuck up.
New name, same shit. I mean yougotsomechange, was cool while it lasted. hahaha 4 days. but it was too long to type out.
How the fuck was I supposed to advertise that shit?
Anyways. Putcha gnar boots on.