Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I was orginally going to upload a video or two from my phone to my blog. But the files are too large to send. And I don't have the cable to plug my phone into the computer. Bummer.

So here's my weekend in a nutshell.

Friday. Drank a case of beer on my couch with Megan & Tijuana. Tijuana slept on my little itty bitty couch. Or I guess it would be called a love seat. I don't think it's ever seen love. Atleast not from me.

Saturday. Tijuana & I made our way to Columbus to go to some shows n get shitbag wasted. I actually drove! Woah! And I can't remember alot from the night. That isn't really a suprise is it. 100 bucks at several bars. It did the job.

Sunday, we woke up nice n hungover. Got all hip, n went to some thrift stores. Where I picked up a nice pair of motorcycle boots. Now all I gotta do is buy the motocycle. Went back to Cleveland. Went to Bside. Got shitbag wasted again. And didnt remember the ride home. I woke up with my scarf n jacket on with a sparks in my pocket. Wooo!

Now I'm taking 4 days of sobriety, until Pat comes down from Harlem, NYC.

I took the time monday to Pay the city of Cleveland 211 bux, for my Criminal Trespassing ticket. Did a little shopping with Shanty. Got some Fridays for dinner, and felt sick all day.

I skated Chenga2 today. It was an okay time. That's really all I have to say about that. I feel like I have a head cold. Or something.
I'm skating Chenga57 with tomorrow! I'm majorly looking forward to this. I havent seen him at all this year. I miss the guy.

And that's it.
If anyone wants to buy me a mini usb cord for my phone so I can upload my videos. Lemme know! I have a few very fun ones.

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