Monday, January 19, 2009

I'm the king of...

...bad decisions! & apparently pressing the wrong buttons. but thats a differnt story.
I spent the weekend in Columbus. Friday is a blur n a half. After we left that ugly tuna bar. between 2 & like close to 6am, shits very fuzzy. I remember playing beer pong at some point and puking immediatley afterwards. I saw Calle for a breif minute before I blacked out. I know this cause theres a picture.
Puking up cold beer is kinda neat. Just sayin.
Saturday we went to this Dirty Punk house for a party. After consuming 2 purple joose. Joose is seriously my new favorite thing to black out on. I didnt black out Saturday night. I might have if Alli didnt drink all my Blue Joose when I went to buy punk rocker kids booze. After this part. Somewhere Jeffy got booze thrown at his head, and puked. I dont know what order that was in. But I had to talk him out of smashing a cobra over this dudes head. We left the PR house for another party. It was lame, and another dude was tryin to fight Jeffy. Then the rest of the night was full of missing phones n keys along with a whole lotta drama. The phone n keys were found the next day. In a place we all looked about 100 times.
I came home sunday evening. N started feelin real shitty literally shitty. I wont go into shit detail. But it hasnt stopped yet. Its not solid. I took some flu pills to see if, maybe that would fix it. Maybe.
Tonights skate night @ now thats class. I'm not going. But I want to. I want to skate a mini ramp real bad. But my shitty feeling body isnt allowing me to do anything I enjoy.
I'm going to dinner with my dad tomorrow night. Speaking of my dad. He got fired from his job while I was in Columbus. Bummer! So we're both unemployed n have the same bills to pay. So help us pay rent or bills by doin that paypal donation thing!

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