Thursday, January 15, 2009

Fluke yourself

I spent the day with Sadie G today. I had to drive her in her car in the snow up to Cleveland. She had to go to a runway audition. And I think it went pretty well for her.

But more importantly. On the way up to Cleveland we saw all these flashing lights n brake lights. So we get closer, and see fire trucks. And what looks like an ambulance. Now Im thinking its some retarded crash cause it was pretty gnarly snow. Well turns out, it was a fuckin RTA bus on fire. This thing looked like it blew up. Something straight outta the movies. Well there was no ambulace, and there didnt appear to be any of the bus passengers. BUT. BUT! I can't find any news stories about this online. This happened around 6pm or so im assuming. We passed it at around 7. And it was put out n trafic was pretty deece. I smell cover up.


After the model audition, we headed to the Tower. For a pretty not my style show. But this band played that Sadie knew. And they wernt half bad. You can check out there tunes here on myspace.

Then headed back to my house. Got my hair trimmed. Witch turned out real rad. I'd post an after pic. But this isn't myspace. And putting up a mirror picture on here seems, well pretty lame. I'll keep the myspace poses on myspace. But Sadie cuts hair real good. She works at some salon n some small town in Ohio. I don't remember whats what. But if you wantcha mop chopped. I can get you the info.

I just made some real fuckin good chicken ramen noodles. I gotta new recipe for you fools. Putcha ramen in a bowl in the microwave. When ya add the water, add a pic of hot sauce n mix it up real good. Cook your shit for the desired time. Drain the water. Take that little packet and mix it in ya noods. And baaaaabam! Itsa tastey meal.

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