Friday, January 9, 2009

I fucked up!

I was in the process of switching email addresses.
And well to make a long story short. It wouldnt let me switch it on my blog. And this was very important. So. I deleted it. In hopes to just re create the name. And thats what it said on google help bullshit.
Well it lied.
It wont let me recreate the name. mother fucker.
Fuck yougotsomechange.
It's all about putting your Gnar Boots on.
So well. I'm making the best out of my fuck up.
New name, same shit. I mean yougotsomechange, was cool while it lasted. hahaha 4 days. but it was too long to type out.
How the fuck was I supposed to advertise that shit?
Anyways. Putcha gnar boots on.

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