Friday, January 9, 2009

So I was thinking about skateboarding. And how due to my blown ankle I blew the last season. Or how certain resources were not available while I was trying a trick (video camera).

Anyways. I really was thinking about going out and filming a move or two when this snow dries up. Mainly this being first on my agenda.

Well it's at the Justice center in Cleveland. Whom witch I owe upwards of 300 dollars to. I'm bummin on that. I can hardly come up with my portion of the rent and phone bill. Witch I havent done in like 2 months, and my dad is waaay bummed on. Who know's how to make some fast cash? Anyone? Donate to my Paypal? There's a link on the side.
N while your over there click the link cause I stole the photo of myself off his site.

With that being said. Umm wanna go sledding, its snowing like crazy.

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